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Holding Space, Personal Growth, & Self-Worth

Join me as I share my thoughts, experiences, and reflections on what it truly means to be a space holder. Get ready to explore the importance of personal growth and self-expression in content creation. As I create content for my listeners, I also recognize the significant impact it has on my own growth and fulfillment.

Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, acknowledging the seasons of ups and downs that shape our lives and help us appreciate the moments of triumph and joy. I also want to shed light on a common tendency we all share—underestimating ourselves. We often fail to give ourselves credit for the knowledge we possess and the potential we have to help others. I encourage my listeners to recognize their own abilities and embrace the value they bring to the table.

Sharing experiences is a personal choice, you have the freedom to decide how to share your own stories. In a world where comparison and imitation run rampant, break free from those expectations and authentically own who you are.

"We have to have those seasons of ups and downs in order to appreciate the ups. And if you're someone who deeply feels things, you understand that you deeply feel the lows, but you equally deeply feel the highs."

What you will learn:

1. We don’t often give ourselves enough credit for what we do know and what we can help people with.

2. How you decide to share your experiences is up to you.

3. Stop trying to do anything like anybody else. Own who you are.

What you will hear:

  • What does being a "space holder" mean?

  • I create content for you, also for me.

  • We have to have seasons of ups and downs in order to appreciate the ups.

  • We don't often give ourselves enough credit for what we do know and what we can help people with.

  • How you decide to share your experiences is up to you.

  • Stop trying to do anything like anybody else. Own who you are.

  • Chill the Fuck Out Retreat.

  • How to get unstuck with your podcast idea.

Connect: Connect with Jess on IG: @jessicaburgio

Purchase a copy of my book Come As You Are: The Art of Unbecoming Who They Told You To Be -

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Key Words:

sharing, feel, retreat, understand, space, people, days, resonating, hear, create, chill, clients, talking, holder, hold



FOLLOW and hang with me more over on IG 

  @jessicaburgio and 


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