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Master Your Personal Branding with Marina Middleton's Blueprint

We've got the brilliant Marina Middleton as our special guest. Together, we're going to rip apart those self-imposed limitations and serve up some invaluable strategies that will leave you wondering why the fuck you've been holding yourself back all this time. Marina and I will give you practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, deal with obstacles, and stay in the game. No more excuses – it's time to level up!

Let's start by talking about the tough reality of pivoting and finding your true calling. I'll be honest with you – it's not easy but if you're ready to roll up your sleeves and embrace the discomfort, Marina and I share personal stories and hard-hitting insights to help you break those self-imposed barriers and finally pursue what sets your soul on fire. You might think you can do it all on your own, but we'l share how having a mentor is like having a secret weapon. Mentors can have a huge impact on your growth, they can guide you through the chaos, and open doors you didn't even know existed.

Diving into the world of influencers, how can you stand out?? Everyone falls into the trap of copying every move from self-proclaimed gurus but it's time to stop being a copycat and start being authentically, unapologetically YOU and we'll show you how! I'm not here to sugarcoat things, and Marina isn't either. We're going to get real about the biggest mistakes we've made on our business journeys and share the keys to staying motivated, organized, and focused on your goals, even when the going gets tough. Brace yourself for some tough love and honest reflection. It's time to face your own shortcomings, learn from them, and turn them into stepping stones toward a brighter future.

"What is it that you're creating that is going to add value, but in a different way than everybody else?"

What you will learn:

1. What it looks like to pivot and move into a calling you might have.

2. The importance of mentorship in building your personal brand.

3. The four pillars of a personal brand.

What you will hear:

  • What it looks like to pivot and move into a calling you might have.

  • What happens when you start a podcast.

  • The importance of mentorship in building your personal brand.

  • The four pillars of a personal brand.

  • When I first started my business, I followed so many business coaches that I was copying everything that they were doing.

  • What seems to be the problem when you’re starting a podcast?

  • The biggest mistake she’s made during her business journey.

  • The keys to keeping it all together and staying in it.

  • Do you have any boundaries around the things you consume on social media?

  • Having a big vision for what you want the carrot to be.

Connect: Connect with Marina on IG: @marinaamiddleton

Check out her amazing podcast She Did It Anyway

Check out Empowered Confidence if you want to empower your personal brand

Connect with Jess on IG: @jessicaburgio

Purchase a copy of my book Come As You Are: The Art of Unbecoming Who They Told You To Be -

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Key Words:

personal brand, people, feel, created, years, talking, love, boundaries, social media, marketing, entrepreneur, working, entrepreneurship, step, share, started, monetize



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